
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Blade Runner 2049: First Impressions

Thirty-five years after the original landed in theaters, the seminal sci-fi flick Blade Runner has been given it's sequel: Blade Runner 2049. Of course, this begs the question, "Did Blade Runner require a sequel in the first place?"

Nonetheless, the 1982 Ridley Scott-directed film (Which has been refined over the course of several different releases) has always been a strong favorite of mine, and whether necessary or not, I felt it was required of myself to see 2049 in theaters. As such, here are my first impressions, thoughts, and something of a review.

Fair Warning: This Review Contains Spoilers

Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Chess Factor, or the Lack Thereof

After several weeks of idling, I have come to a rotten conclusion.

I have yet to finish the game of chess I've been playing with myself. With that said, I think I've made good progress, and the battle is getting close to an end.

More about this enthralling and incompetently stupid tale after the br-br-br-br-BREAK.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Discord Channel!

Feeling chatty? Like my dead blog? Like my, uh... Three, now, posts? Come join the 44 Special Review's very own Discord server! It has nothing to offer but Emojis!

Oh God, why...

Click here to Join!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Top 10 WEIRDEST things that used to be Star Wars Canon

Do you likes arbitrary lists that are by no means the "Top Things?" You do? Really? Oh, well that's just wonder-ful, because boy do I have a list. Just, y'know, a list. But you gotta like Star Wars to read it. Otherwise you probably won't care about this particular list. And if you don't care, you won't read. But maybe you should read it anyways.

Remember that whole George Lucas selling his soul Star Wars to the Devil Disney however many years ago already? And then Disney started talking about expanding the canon film universe alongside all kinds of bonus books and comics that were also gonna be all canon and that in doing so they kicked what was actually a previous expanded universe canon to the curb? Well hey, whether you laughed or cried, lets admit that the old universe, which chugged along for more than thirty goddamned years, had some really gonzo things thing thrown into it. Being a long-time fan of Star Wars in general, here are 10 weird as heck things that used to be Star Wars canon.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

It's 2017, and I want to be someone

I first wrote this blog in late 2012, and kept it up throughout most of 2013. And then I vanished after realizing that almost everything I was writing was of poor quality. I want to start over. This blog will begin anew. The new posts are gone. I have a shitty looking JPEG from Google in place of my old banner. I'm using an actual name this time around.

Read more after the break.