After several weeks of idling, I have come to a rotten conclusion.
I have yet to finish the game of chess I've been playing with myself. With that said, I think I've made good progress, and the battle is getting close to an end.
More about this enthralling and incompetently stupid tale after the br-br-br-br-BREAK.
Chess is a fairly popular past-time that I was more or less null on and still mostly am. Checkers was more to my speed, despite the fact that I never liked to finish a game without chasing down the other player's last piece up until I got bored with doing so and declared my victory... Unless we both only had one piece left after which we argued about who really won. Actually, checkers sucked.
Uh, so... Stratego was more to my speed. I understand how the game works, the strategy behind it, and that most of the game is random luck with some thinking power required. To this day, I have never won a game of Stratego. I always lose. Always. Uh, actually... Stratego sucks.
Um... Monopoly was... Rather, is no one's game. Fuck Monopoly.
Some months ago my cousin managed to teach me the basics of Chess. In fact, I used to play a computer version of Chess on an old Gateway computer that I had (still have), but I retained surprisingly little knowledge of the moves. I assume this is because the game usually told me what my move options were. Why this disabled me from remembering the moves the different pieces could make I'll never know. The only thing I could remember is that the Pawn's first move can be two spaces forward, and after that they can only move one space forward at a time. That was all I remembered. I couldn't even recall how they could attack.
Anyways, after receiving some random tips and information from my cousin, I enacted a game of chess with myself in order to better memorize the moves. This was sometime in July. It is now nearing the middle of September. The game has yet to be completed, yet I feel that with this steady pace, I am forcing myself to remember the movesets overtime. If I was to finish the game in one day, several problems could set in.
The first problem is that if finished too quickly, I will pack up the board and move on, and not play again for some time. I'll forget half of the moves by the end of the year if I never play again.
The second problem is consistency with my self. If I sat down and played the game through, I wouldn't really be battling myself fairly. I would be countering moves left and right not because I could see the clever traps I set for myself, but rather, I will simply know where the traps are and unfairly counter them.
By prolonging the game I can willfully forget the traps and thus force myself to recheck the board and make sure that the move I make will be a safe or productive move without dire consequence. The only way to play is too make sure I don't willfully cross myself without the challenge of having to figure myself out.
As you may guess, with this line of reasoning, there is no desired winner in this (in terms of what side of the board). I do not personally root for either the Bronze Team or the Silver Team, except for when I am on their side and their side alone. Like I said previously, I don't want to be on the Silver Team and make moves that will benefit the Bronze Team, or vice versa.
As it stands, the game continues. I don't know if I'll update this post or make a new post when it completes, but as it stands: Bronze has claimed five Silver pieces (3 Pawns, 1 Knight, 1 Bishop), and Silver has claimed seven pieces (3 Pawns, 2 Knights, 1 Bishop, 1 Rook). On the board, Bronze is largely surrounded. The Bronze King has had to make haste to avoid an early death and must be careful not to fall in the line of attack of the closest Silver Knight. Meanwhile, the Silver King and the left-most Rook have yet to move at all, instead lying in anticipation of one of the so-called "Special Moves" of Chess (As I've been told, the King and the Rook can swap positions at any point in the game as long as neither has moved from their starting positions).
The battle continues, and may for some time.
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